I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness-- Jeremiah 3:3

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Can you imagine yourself staring at the walls for like eternity? I just thank God for the lull times. Times when the walls of the office or classroom ceilings are just there waiting, unmoving. These bits of free time come in spurts. So I hallow each one of them. Often they come during examination times when I am tempted to drool to sleep or think back of things of the past. 

Lull times such as this recharge me. Brings back youth to my weary bones. I used to look at these idle moments as the most boring part of any day. But I figured, God actually allows this nothing-to-do times because we need them. And believe it or not at one point, we ask for them. Have we not blurted out familiar litanies such as "Ahh, these paper works are killing me. Can't I have one moment of rest for once?" or "Work is giving me no space, I need time for myself, blah-blah" and so on. That's right, as staggeringly accurate as God can get, He does answer prayers. At the right moment with perfect precision and timing.

Right now, I'm watching these kids taking their chances on these pieces of papers they put their carefully thought of answers to this nail-biting entrance examination. Their brains are busy. They seem to need some lull time as soon as this is over. As for me, I'm taking mine, savoring every second of it. I'm embracing this boring time. I may not have this again for the next grueling days.

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