God indeed listens. Yesterday, I was typing down my fears and implorations. My husband announced that he's about to lose a few weeks of work since the company has suspended general work. Our daughter is sick and the medicine cabinet is running empty soon. I was thinking God must have punished me through my loved ones for missing something I promised him. I almost literally lay prostrate to the floor while writing. My eyes were welling up in remorse. I plead, "Lord, please not my family. Punish me. You can yank me down this mud hole, just not them."
Expecting more blues to even worsen the day, my husband told me work materials are to arrive today, hence, work would no longer be suspended. While I was remarkably composed receiving the best "swell" news, my insides were in knots in pleasant disbelief, dispelling all the pitch blackness hanging on my head the entire morning. I was thunderstruck, needless to say. Until now, God remains the God of surprises.
In the most desparate prayer, when the only option is down the pit, you suddenly find yourself looking down the pit where you were.
He does listen.
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