Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them . . . 1Timothy 4:16
I heard one morning a broadcaster's comment. He went saying, "The advices that we give are just secondary to what others see in our daily living."
One day, my little Kiny will not be tiny anymore. She's one now but soon she will be 7, 18, and on. If she goes to become 18 right away, right now while I'm sitting,staring at this dusty monitor, I am dead sure she would not live the Christian life the way I am praying to have her see in me and in her Dad the kind of daily regimen--reading the Bible, praying and not in too much of a hurry catching time.
It's not going to be easy, teaching her and showing her what would give her a sane future in this insane world. What with the fact that a day in our lives begins even before the cock of our neighbor crows.
But I am a steward. I am given a gift I don't deserve. Watch it--that this gift does not fall in the slimy hands of this world. Shekinah, my gift, deserves all those nightwatches and daily watchful eye.
For now, I am a greenhorn at all these.
In fact, I suck at growing a human being.
But I am taking this step and on...hoping this brings Shekinah home . . . early.
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