I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness-- Jeremiah 3:3

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


There are countless things I want to do and a horde of places, quaint and hushed, that I want to come home to, friends I want to sleep-over with.

These are things I chose to forgo as I have decided long ago to take a different turn. But deep down in my gut, way down in that darkness somewhere in my psyche, I know I'm going to get one or two in any of those dream places. As to how, I feel God knows how and exactly when. And I'm gonna be there with people who make me choose what I choose and give up what used to be so hard to give up.

As for now I let them stand in some corner I call back door desires.As for now, I am in a quiet place trying to grow out of the old weeds that keep coming back clambering on me at times. It's an amazing experience to live away from a space that almost snatched the special people away from me forever. Well, I'm pretty sure a lot of people I know find it a waste for me to let go what I used to have. Career and life. I could have both of these worlds had I worked harder. But now they would give me that "I pity you" look and "It's so sad of you" kind of lines guised in what sound like some sympathetic words from former colleagues. Well, I let them. They can be right in their own perspective but to me not all "rights" are good to the soul.

I guess not too many of my friends can see through me when it comes to what makes me happy. Well, of course to have 30-50 thousand in my ATM every month is a big deal. And I could buy my 2-year-old as many cans of milk that she craves for in the middle of the night as I can. But I guess, one thrives where he is happier.
Despite this, I know I'm going to be in a place where I can tower on these things. One day I would get to a space farther than any of these things my colleagues must have reached thus far. My Omnipotence will make sure of this.Meantime, I am in a place where it's not so abundant materially, but I am no way in want. And I am waiting to climb what Olympus my Sovereign father has prepared for me.

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