We were running late for church yesterday morning. We woke up at 8 o'clock, the exact hour I should be in church for Sunday School class. Soon, in the flurry of it all, we finally touched down church grounds at about 90 minutes past 8 with 15 minutes or so remaining for Sunday School hour. It was good though that the others were trapped in the rain that they got there just a few minutes after I settled myself almost reclining by the corner couch of the young professional Sunday school room. In all this, I forgot my toddler and her church offering. You see, I made a decision that her first orientation with money has got to be something to do with church and offering. Hence, every Sunday she feels obliged to put in a few pesos to the Sunday School offering pouch.

This Sunday though, this was missed out. Right after the morning service, one of the church stewards called my attention. She raised a familiar bright yellow hair clip from the heap of coins in the offering pouch and jokingly blurted out,
"Mrs. Panes,You better redeem this from us! Just look at what your daughter put in the offering pouch today!"
Somewhat embarrassed, I took a coin from my wallet and dropped it into the pouch obligingly. "It actually turned out though," the lady continued, "that when the offering from the children's room was collected, your daughter was the only one who couldn't fish out any coins from her pocket. But we told her it was all right. We were not aware though that she managed to put in something instead while our attention was somewhere else."
There I was, as in many other times, despite myself, pleasantly surprised at what looks like a resourcefulness but really, more of a resoluteness to give at any cost by any means.
In all my years, I have always been amazed by the wonders of the little object lessons God throws at me at times I least expect but I have never been muted with such profound teaching as I was right there at that minute with my little toddler as my little teacher.
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