When things have become bleaker, he sent a little miracle right to my creaky doorstep. He has never denied me of a single way (a raft, a hand from nowhere, or even a last-minute plunge) to wade through the waters no matter how ocean deep they have suddenly become.
I have proven him true all right. But the slime in this cavernous wall that's pushing me back makes me earn an Alzheimer's syndrome lately. It may not even the disease of forgetfulness. It's more than that. Doubt has this poisonous sting. It refuses to go. It never backs down until you're devoured whole and crunched up to pieces. But someone up there knows better how to take care of his children.
One day, while I rested my old head on a pillow, a friend dropped by and offered me a one-month reprieve of all my old-school worries. A tutorial that pays well just came dropping by out of the blue. Just how did that happen? Just how did anyone know I needed some salvation even for just one month this summer while waiting for an elusive work?
Someone up there just knows.
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