Joy oftentimes comes unbidden. At times it is shrouded by simplicity and then it just turns things magical. But joy doesn't come easy. You can't just get them from the racks or counters of stores. You probably can purchase some forms of it but what you get is a transitory version of it, hence, what you actually get is not joy in its very essence.
As for me, seeing joy forms at the corners of my three-year-old's mouth is magic. Things like a Ben 10 watch, a 7-peso noodle pack, a 10-peso ice cream, a 2-peso chocolate, a 5-peso street popcorn, and seeing her mom at the end of a day's work are nothing but close to heaven for her.
It is, I must admit, draining to a day's tightly budgeted allowance to always bring popcorn to a kid like mine on an everyday basis. But seeing her shriek and spill out tons of "thank-you's" with little mushy hugs every time is worth wading in financial distress again and again. Hah, just to hear her "Wow! Yummy! Thank you, Mommy! Thank you! I love you, Mommy!" I'd give up what I have all ready given up long time ago in a heart beat again and again. No questions about it.
In a world where it's more like a territory of misery,I'd jump the gun at every teeny-weeny opportunity of joy. And why not, it's only in real pleasures like this that keeps me above water.